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Placing dental Implant
The first step is the placement of the titanium dental implants into the jawbone. Usually, the office procedure takes about an hour for one implant and no more than two to three hours for multiple implants. You may be offered sedation or intravenous medications. Then, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the areas where the implants will be placed. After you are comfortable, a small incision is made into the gum tissue, revealing the bone into which the implant will be placed. Using special instruments, a socket is created, carefully avoiding damage to the bone. The titanium dental implant is then inserted into the socket. Finally, if necessary, sultures will be used to secure the incision.
The dental implants will remain covered underneath the gum for approximately 3 to 6 months. During this time, the jawbone bonds with the implant. This process is known as osseointegration. below provide more details below.
During the healing process, a temporary tooth replacement option can be worn over the implant site
Placing a dental Implant

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To provide you with a better understanding of dental implants, we have provided a multimedia presentation below. Click on the image below to watch an informational video on dental implants
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