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If you would like further information about our services please fill out the form below
If you are calling from another country like USA or Canada and if you would like to speak to us about our services, please indicate a suitable time to be contacted by phone along with your time zone. We will call you back within 24 hours.
Phone: India Cell phone: +91-98551-23236
If you are calling from outside of India, please click here for help with international dialing from your country
Address: Advanced Dental Care Centre
#20, First Floor, Sector 18-A
Chandigarh, Punjab, India 160018
Please provide the following information for a quick response :
1. Please mention your age, medical history and known allergies to medications.
2. Please upload above or send by email a scanned copy of your previous dental treatment, recent dental diagnosis and any treatment plans available.
3. If available, please send by email Orthopantomogram (OPG) images/digital photographs of mouth/Teeth X-rays with your detailed dental treatment requirements.
Note: You can scan your X-rays/reports and send the scanned files by email to