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Introducing CEREC
Introducing CEREC in India !!
​Cerec stands for Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramics.
"Replace your old, blackened mercury fillings with the new, safe tooth-colored replacements. These advanced materials make your mouth look and feel natural and unscarred. All teeth can look shiny and white with these new materials."
CEREC means we can quickly and economically restore damaged teeth using a durable ceramic material that matches the natural color of other teeth in your mouth.
What Advantage does CEREC Offer Me?
An efficient appointment — less time spent in the dental chair
A natural-looking filling — no more silver metal-mouth
A healthier, metal-free filling
No messy impressions or ill-fitting temporaries
A restoration that matches the natural color of your teeth
A restoration that is anti-abrasive, bio-compatible and resistant to plaque
A durable restoration — CEREC®fillings don't break or leak like traditional fillings
Proven technology — ten years of clinical research and over four million restorations performed worldwide
CEREC®is a camera, computer and precision manufacturing machine all in one. We use CEREC®'s built-in camera to take a photo of the damaged tooth. Using this image, CEREC®'s Computer Assisted Design (CAD) function takes over and designs a precision restoration.
Then CEREC®'s CAM (Computer Assisted Manufacture) creates the finished restoration from a block of high quality porcelain that reflects light just like real teeth.
Finally, we bond the restoration into position and we're done! No messy impressions, no waiting for lab work, no second visit! This is dentistry the way it should be: fast, efficient, durable and natural looking.
Please contact us to setup a consulation for a checkup.